Mini-Review Compilation: YA Edition Part 2

Thursday, January 07, 2016 0 Comments A + a -

Heyo guys! So I went all out and read a whole bunch of books ranging from YA to NA to even some adult. Overall, they were pretty much ALL wonderful. So for the next few weeks I'll be posting compilations of the books I reviewed. Please keep in mind that these will be mini-reviews and will not be very detailed. Most of them will probably involve a lot of caps. You've been warned.

Here's Part 2 of the YA compilation! (Click on the title if you want to read the synopsis on Goodreads)

4/5 Stars
This is a first, but I actually wanted a lot longer book. Don't get me wrong I loved the pacing of the book and I enjoyed the ending but I guess I wish there was more.
Besides that I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK. Caymen, she was legitimately my spirit animal (I have proof and everything). Xander, I hated but then grew to freaking adore and just gah lee man why too pretty!? Now put them together and you have to most perfect chemical reaction from the tension to simply the friendship they developed. Yeah they were attracted to each other but as they started to really get to know each other by asking questions and honestly just observing one another, I saw their connection deepen and all the applause to Kasie West for that. Guys if you love contemporary romance YA with a lot of humor on the dry side then you definitely need to pick this beauty up.

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
Guys. You don't understand. I started this book because I knew Stephanie Perkins would cheer me up with her writing and she did but she did something else. She's known for her fluff but she's also know for her deep insight on her characters emotions and thoughts, and dang guys this book just did things to me. One moment I was all smiles and rainbows and the next sentence I'd be a crying mess because I was in the pages. I knew how Josh felt, and I KNEW how Isla felt. I was so in tune, riveted, mesmerized with this book and the message Perkins sends. I can't explain it enough other than saying that it seemed like Perkins, through Isla and Josh was talking to the darkest parts of my heart. I think it's obvious that Isla's book beats Anna's out of her place. But know that I always love you Étienne!

Play On by Michelle Smith
Guys. I can't express my love for this book enough. I don't know if it's because I just graduated high school so I know exactly what these characters are feeling, or if it's because of Michelle Smith's beautiful writing. (I'm going to go with the latter). I can only imagine how tough it was to write this book, if it was tough for me to read it. You'd think that this book with it's pretty cover and enjoyable synopsis would just be superficial, but guys... This book is emotional, thought provoking, crying in the middle of the night deep. Far from what I was expecting. All the characters from the main one to the side all had their own story and depth and they weren't just characters but actual people, and I honestly can't wait for Michelle Smith to unveil more of their stories.

Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines
4/5 Stars
This is young adult. But I'd like to say that this is true young adult. Abbi Glines was able to take the atmosphere that is high school, family, relationships, and life as a teenager and put them in a book that is wonderfully written. There wasn't anything vague nor was anything sugarcoatted about this world. Glines wrote what teenagers go through, believe me I've been friends with them that have gone through situations like these, and wrote it exceptionally well. I can't help but put this book on a high pedestal and praise it.
If you're looking for a YA that's true to the heart and to the life as a teenager then definitely give this book a try. It'll be worth your while.
P.S. Please tell me there are going to be a million books in this series. 

Stay tuned for more compilations!
3 John 1:4

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}