Mini-Review Compilation: NA Edition Part 3

Thursday, January 14, 2016 0 Comments A + a -

Heyo guys! So I've read a whole bunch of books ranging from graphic novels to YA to NA to even some adult. Overall, they were pretty much ALL wonderful. So for the next few weeks I'll be posting compilations of the books I reviewed. Please keep in mind that these will be mini-reviews and will not be very detailed. Most of them will probably involve a lot of caps. You've been warned.

Here's Part 3 of the NA compilation! (Click on the title if you want to read the synopsis on Goodreads)

Riot by Jamie Shaw
4/5 Stars
Well this book was something. I think from the title you should sort of have a clue of what you're about to get into when you start this book. I read Mayhem and enjoyed it and Riot wasn't a let down. And I can only imagine what Chaos will bring (I already love Kit from her appearance in this book).
The writing and the pace of this book really help made this books a journey. Yes there were frustration moments beyond belief but in the midst of that you felt the love that all the characters had for each other. This close-knit of friends felt like a family and I couldn't help but love that.
I enjoyed every second and I can't see what else is in store with this series.

More Than Fashion by Elizabeth Briggs
4/5 Stars
This beauty was soooooo enjoyable! From the drama to the atmosphere to simply the characters, everything was close to perfect. Gavin was oh so endearing and SO MANY SWOONS, LOVE. I loved loved loved how Briggs portrayed Julie's relationship with her family and her predicament, A+ job on it.
More Than Fashion is like the hunger games but focused on the fashion designer side than the actually killing side. Towards the end there was so much suspense, it felt like I was actually watching the show in real time like the Biggest Loser or The Voice result shows. From jumping up and down, grinning like a maniac and biting my nails to calm myself down, I felt all the feels.

I highly recommend this book AND this series. 1) POC CHARACTERS. I mean what's more to ask. 2) BEAUTIFUL FASHION. 3) BRITISH ACCENT.

Chaos by Jaime Shaw
4/5 Stars
Soooo dang good. I love how all the characters meshed together. There were no missing links. Kit was badass. Shawn was adorable. Kale was a pain in the ass but very lovable and Leti was enjoyable like he always is.

The Score by Elle Kennedy
3.5/5 Stars

Dean and Allie were just way beyond hilarious. I lived to see their scenes together. They were funny, cute, and when need be they were serious. Their relationship starts off as one thing and then we very clearly see them transform into that couple that you envy and love. Like almost every NA book, this book is adorable, and frustrating and it doesn't disappoint.

Stay tuned for more mini-reviews!
Nehemiah 8:10

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}