Loving Dallas

Thursday, June 11, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Loving Dallas was frosting on top of ice cream (which tastes pretty dang good if you ask me). I adored this book to pieces. I'll be honest and say that I was a little iffy getting into this book because I DESPERATELY wanted a Dixie and Gavin sequel right away and nothing was going to be able to tide me over.
Well, Loving Dallas did tide me over, if just a little bit. (If you haven't read Leaving Amarillo you're seriously missing out on an amazing book). Putting aside the pain that is Leaving Amarillo and just focusing on Loving Dallas, it's another world, which is a very good quality.
In LD, it's a lot like saying the world Caisey Quinn wrote about matured. We went from a small world, kind of like our own personal bubble, to a grand one. We follow Dallas from living out in his van trying to set up gigs for his band to him having a manager that tell him he needs to be states over to perform in an arena. With the world maturing it makes sense for the characters to mature as well, and that's exactly what happens to Dallas and Robyn, both as an individual and as a couple.
Dallas is finally living his dream. Well, part of his dream. Reading Loving Dallas or simply living your own life, we realized that we can't eat the cake and have it too. Living out our dreams take compromises and sometimes sacrifices. Essentially, that is Dallas' issue throughout this book. What are you willing to give up to live the future you want to live?
As for Robyn, she has tried her hardest to strive and her strong will has taken her pretty far, but it's lonely. Some people don't care who's in their life once they've succeeded, they're just glad they made it that far, and congrats for them. For others, reaching the point of success is bittersweet because they have no one to celebrate with. Robyn is the latter. Instead of celebrating, she starts another goal to avoid the bitterness, and soon enough she has all these accomplished goals in a pile and no one to be happy with about them. This is not me saying that she needs a partner to feel accomplished. Robyn is independent, she is a self-made woman and is proud of that fact, but you can't tell me it doesn't feel nice when you have someone in your corner rooting for you.

Loving Dallas was a great read. The writing was spectacular, the character development was evident, and the country world was fantastic. Please listen to me when I say that you need to read this series! They're the best!

Waiting impatiently for Missing Dixie
Psalm 138:1
P.S. 4 Stars

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}