Ten Below Zero

Thursday, July 30, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Title: Ten Below Zero

Author: Whitney Barbetti

Published Date: August 28th 2014

Rating: 4 / 5 Stars

Synopsis: “In here,” he said, pushing on the skin above my heart, “you're ten below zero. And you’re closer to death than I am.” 

My name is Parker. My body is marked with scars from an attack I don’t remember. I don’t want to remember. I choose to live my life by observation, not through experience. While people are laughing and kissing and connecting, I’m in the corner. Watching them live. I’m indifferent to everything, everyone. The only emotion I feel with any kind of depth is annoyance, and I feel it often. 

A text message sent to the wrong number proves to be my undoing. 

His name is Everett, but I call him rude. He’s pushy, he’s arrogant, he crowds my personal space, and worst of all: he makes me feel. 

He chooses to wear all black, all the time, as if he’s waiting to attend a funeral. Probably because he is. 

Everett is dying. And he’s spending his final days living, truly living. In doing so, he’s forcing me to feel, to heal. To come face to face with the demons I suppressed in my memory. 

He hurts me, he fulfills me, he completes me. And still, he's dying.

The Weight of Silence

Thursday, July 23, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

I don't know if you saw my book jar/box on Instagram (check it out HERE). In it are all my physical TBR books on my shelf. The first book that the book gods chose was The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf.

Synopsis: It happens quietly one August morning. As dawn's shimmering light drenches the humid Iowa air, two families awaken to find their little girls have gone missing in the night.

Chasing River

Thursday, July 16, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Author: K.A. Tucker

Published Date: July 6th, 2015

Rating: 3.5 Stars

Armed with two years’ worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes off before she has the chance to offer her gratitude.

Twenty-four-year-old River Delaney is rattled. No one was supposed to get hurt. But then that American tourist showed up. He couldn’t let her die, but he also can’t be identified at the scene—so, he fled. Back to his everyday life of running his family’s pub. Only, everyday life is getting more and more complicated, thanks to his brother, Aengus, and his criminal associations. When the American girl tracks River down, he quickly realizes how much he likes her, how wrong she is for him. And how dangerous it is to have her around. Pushing her away would be the smart move.

Maybe it’s because he saved her life, or maybe it’s because he’s completely different from everything she’s left behind, but Amber finds herself chasing after River Delaney. Amber isn’t the kind of girl to chase after anyone.

And River isn’t the kind of guy she’d want to catch.

Mini-review: No Kissing Allowed

Thursday, July 09, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Sooooooo cute. Aidan and Cameron were adorable together. The writing was simple but honestly very enjoyable.
This is going to be really short and maybe a little spoiler-y because all I really want to talk about is Aidan. Cameron was great but I honestly fell in love with Aidan and not just because he was gorgeous.

Mini-Reviews of books read in June!

Wednesday, July 08, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

This past month was not the most book reader friendly for me. It was a struggle for me to get through anything really but there were a few books that I was able to complete. However, I didn't have time to do full reviews, so here a mini reviews of the books I read in June (again there wasn't a lot read).

Carry Me Home by Lia Riley
Woah. Every time Lia writes a book I immediately fall in love with both characters because they have so much depth. And even though this is a novella, Lia still impacts so much into these characters to the point where you actually see them as a person sitting right next to you. One would think that such depth in characters in such a short novel would be unbearable but I'd love them to read this novella because Tanner and Sunny are so darn believable. Everything about this book was beautiful and you desperately urge you to read this series if you haven't.

Fairest by Marissa Meyer
This was insane. When I bought Fairest, I thought, "Okay. We're going to understand the inner workings of Queen Levana. This is going to be good."
And it was good BUT OH MY GOSH WAS IT CRAZY. I didn't know what I was getting into. From reading Cinder, Scarlet and Cress I had a very strong dislike for Levana and reading this reinstated that dislike BUT the absurd thing is that I really enjoyed her character too. (For that I give props to Marissa Meyer). There were happy moments and sad moments and pitiful moments and gah lee man Meyer made me feel all the feels. Fairest is more enlightening than anything else. It helps you understand almost exactly what is going on and why it is (but that's also if you've read the other books which I HIGHLY SUGGEST).
With hopefully a lot more books to be read
Joshua 1:9