Mini-Review Compilation: YA Edition Part 1

Thursday, December 10, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Heyo guys! So the last month of summer I went all out and read a whole bunch of books ranging from YA to NA to even some adult. Overall, they were pretty much ALL wonderful. I'm finally catching up on my reviews and I'll be posting compilations of the books I reviewed throughout that month now. Please keep in mind that these will be mini-reviews and will not be very detailed. Most of them will probably involve a lot of caps. You've been warned.

So I'm going to start off with YA! (Click on the cover if you want to read the synopsis on Goodreads)

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
4.5/5 Stars 
Oh man. This book was so wonderful. From the first chapter I was captivated in this story. The scenes felt real, the relationships and the character developments were phenomenal. AND THE PLOT TWIST WAS SHOCKING. I'm berating myself , HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED IT. Guys, you need to grab this book and read the heck out of it because lord Jesus it is amazing. The writing is superb and the world Raasch made is beautiful. I NEED ICE LIKE FIRE.

The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
4/5 Stars
Oh man. What a freaking journey. It was so much better then expected and holy hot dang. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONING THOUGHTS. Guys guys guys trust me when I say that this book is soooooooooo good. It's just freaking amazing. MARIE TAKE ALL MY MONEY.

The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
4/5 Stars
Holy dang. This book was great. I really enjoyed it but didn't absolutely loved it. There were parts that were OH MY GOD LORD JESUS WHAT but over all it was mainly a calm pace. What really got me was the two male characters. I WAS SO DANG POSITIVE that they were certain people and then BAM. NOPE NOPE NOPE. My heart was so confused and I didn't know how to deal with life for a little bit and that was definitely a part that was amazing. The world Pearson created was simple in the beginning but riveting towards the second half of the book. If you're into fantasy  then this one is for you. If you're into PLOT TWIST THEN HOLY GOSH this one is for you! It was so good and I honestly can't wait till I have money for the second book.

Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins
3.5/5 Stars
It's books like Rebel Belle that remind how much I love YA. The sparkling hints of romance, the awkwardness, the quirky characters. I love it all. This book was entertaining from the start and was actually a really quick read. I stayed up way past what I'm used to and it was so enjoyable, I don't even care.
Rebel Belle is a great read and if you love female characters kicking ass then this is definitely the book for you.

Stay tuned for a next compilation of mini-reveiws!
1 Corinthians 3:16-1

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}