The Testing

Friday, September 19, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Title: The Testing

Author: Joelle Charbonneau

Published Date: June 4th 2014

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Synopsis: It's graduation day for sixteen-year-old Malencia Vale, and the entire Five Lakes Colony (the former Great Lakes) is celebrating. All Cia can think about—hope for—is whether she’ll be chosen for The Testing, a United Commonwealth program that selects the best and brightest new graduates to become possible leaders of the slowly revitalizing post-war civilization. When Cia is chosen, her father finally tells her about his own nightmarish half-memories of The Testing. Armed with his dire warnings (”Cia, trust no one”), she bravely heads off to Tosu City, far away from friends and family, perhaps forever. Danger, romance—and sheer terror—await.

"Everything changes the minute we go over that hill."
I've heard very little of this series, let alone the first book. About a year back, my friend said "Hey Vangie, you should read this book." Given, he hadn't read the book, he usually gives me the idea to read a certain book to tell him how it was. I guess you can call me the book judger or something of that sort. I looked into the book, read the synopsis and thought "Eh, maybe when I get some time."
So 'bout a year later, I find myself at a Half Price Bookstore when they are having a 20% off of everything sale. The first thing: the third book of this series and right next to it book 1 and 2. Me, taking everything as signs, took it as one and bought the whole series. And so being in the longest book slump due to school I decide to pick this one up from my shelves.
I finish the first chapter and I felt emotionally connected to Cia. All the emotions she was going through with her graduation and her future is so much like my own emotions. I immediately connected with this book. And I couldn't let go of the book. Now, I can tell you this, not everyone will feel that connection, if I was reading this a year before I probably wouldn't have clicked with this book. Due to the situation I am now, I felt deeper insight into this book than I would've read it earlier. What I'm trying to say is that you have to be in the mood for this read.
It's a relatively a short book, though the beginning is where I see people deciding whether they want to finish this book or go find another. I stuck with this book and the rest of the book is a breeze. The events Joelle Charbonneau makes us go through are thought provoking. She made me depressed, jovial, squeamish, tearful; she had me feeling all the emotions. I'd find myself clutching my chest as I turned the page to find out what would happen. Get past the first stage of this book and you're in for a good ride. 

AND HOLY SHUCKS Can someone please talk to be about that ending?!?!?! It makes me unbelievably happy that I bought the rest of the series. *Whispers* Take that as a hint to buy the whole series when you decide to read The Testing.

Currently reading Independent Study
Jeremiah 29:11

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}