ARC August Week 3!

Sunday, August 17, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Two weeks down; two more to go! Stay tuned for last weeks reviews (they should be going up tomorrow 8/19).
So I have read 6 books so far for this challenge and I think I overestamated how many ARCs I had because from the looks of it, it seems I only have 4 books left to read from NetGalley. Since there's only four left I'll split them to two books this week and two books next week.
Since I've said my piece, here are the two books I'll be reading this week!

(Click on covers to get synopsis from Goodreads)

I'm really excited to read these two because 1) I love baseball and 2) the girl for As Long As You Love Me looks like Billie Piper and that's all the reason I need.

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}