Crochet with Books (5)

Monday, June 23, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

So after seeing my Insurgent market bag, my mom wanted on for herself. She is in love with anything blue. So when I went to Hobby Lobby I pretty much bought blue, not basing it off anything. And I worked on the bag and finished it, added a lining on the inside and thought I was done. And I was. It was just a present for my mom and nothing else. BUT when i was organizing my bookshelf I came upon this cover-->  
and it matched perfectly with the bag.
(If you have not read the Shatter Me trilogy. You need to hope on that train.) 
So here is my mom's present that turned out to be a Crochet with Books project!

Hope y'all like it!

With more yarn to be crocheted

Heyo! My name is Vangelina but call me Vangie. And welcome to my blog! You can stay if you want :}