Virgin by Radhika Sanghani

Friday, July 04, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Title: Virgin


Publish Date: August 5th 2014

Rating: 3.5 / 5 Stars

Okay, I admit it…I didn’t do it.


This is normal, right? I mean, just because everyone I know has talked like they’ve already done it doesn’t mean that they’re telling the truth…right?

It’s not like I’m asking for that much. I don’t need the perfect guy. I don’t need candlelight or roses. Honestly, I don’t even need a real bed.

The guys I know complain that girls are always looking for Mr. Right—do I have to wear a sign that says I’m only looking for Mr. Right Now?

Sooooo…anyone out there want sex? Anyone? Hello? Just for fun?

I am not going to die a virgin. One way or another I am going to make this happen.

Hey, what have I got to lose? Besides the obvious.

Book provided by NetGalley for honest review

As soon as I started Virgin the main character, Ellie, was relatable. BOY, was she relatable. The questions she asked and the situations she was put through, I've wanted to ask but didn't have enough courageous and the situations were what I've been through! (Yea, I've lived really weird  life).

Many issues where involved in this book, from self-esteem problems, to best friend problems. And all of them were mostly on the resolved side toward the middle and end of the book. And though most of these problems brought up are really serious, the way

With more books to read 
Proverbs 22:4

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